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Attension® Sigma 703D

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Optimizing Battery Materials with Force Tensiometer for Efficient Manufacturing

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Product Brochure
Attension® Sigma Force Tensiometers

Attension® Sigma 703D

Product Overview

Sigma 703D is a simple and robust digital force tensiometer for accurate measurement of surface and interfacial tension (Platinum Du Noüy ring, Platinum Wilhelmy Plate), and density. Manual measurement of Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) can also be conducted.

Sigma 703D is used for surface and interfacial tension, and density measurements in many academic and industrial labs, for example in quality control of surfactant solutions.

Economic Solution

Powerful entry-level research system equipped for CMC

No Computer Needed

Run experiments and display results without the need for a computer

Possible Measurements:
  • Surface tension
  • Interfacial tension
  • Critical micelle concentration (CMC) (manual)
  • Density

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