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2023 NanoNews: Tensiometry Edition Q4

In this Tensiometry edition of our newsletter, we provide you with new application notes, webinars, and blog posts that explore contact angle misconceptions, wettability of samples with irregular shapes and sizes, optimization of battery manufacturing processes, and much more. Follow us on LinkedIn for more frequent updates on the latest news, events, and resources from Nanoscience Instruments in 2024!

Why is Camera Resolution important in Optical Tensiometry?

An optical tensiometer, also known as a contact angle goniometer, is an instrument used to characterize material surface properties and interactions between liquid and solid phases. In the simplest experiments, …

How does Surface Roughness Affect Contact Angle Measurements?

Contact angle measurements with an optical tensiometer can be quick, non-destructive, and straightforward measurements to characterize surface chemistry and understand the interaction of a surface with a liquid of interest. …

Wettability Analysis of Small Surfaces with Picoliter-Sized Droplets

The interaction between a liquid and a solid surface is a critical descriptor for a surface’s chemistry with important technological implications: it can determine how well coatings will adhere, detect …

Optimizing Battery Materials with Force Tensiometer for Efficient Manufacturing

With the increased reliance on batteries for renewable energy power consumption, the development and demand for batteries will continue to rise. Outside of pure battery performance, the manufacturing process can …

  • Material qualities that impact battery performance, and the most suitable force tensiometry methods for measuring said qualities
  • Optimization and quality control of slurries for anode and cathode assembly
  • Quality control of electrolytes and measurement of absorption rates for electrolyte uptake into porous electrodes and separators

If you are interested in diving deeper into the data behind the webinar, we encourage you to download the accompanying Application Note, which explains in detail how to accelerate electrolyte infilling and other midstream and downstream battery manufacturing processes. 

In this app note, we elaborate upon the specific force tensiometry protocols that enable you to optimize various material properties of anodes, cathodes, and separator materials in a Lithium-ion battery for more efficient manufacturing. 

We look forward to showcasing our portfolio of solutions for electrochemistry, battery, and fuel cell research at next year’s ECS meeting! In the meantime, we invite you to explore our range of instruments for analyzing wettability, surface tension, and liquid uptake as they relate to electrochemical applications.

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