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Image Stitching & Correlative Microscopy Software

MAPS for Phenoms

MAPS software is a transformative tool for Phenom Desktop Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs), designed to boost both the efficiency and depth of your analytical workflows. MAPS features seamless image stitching – for both SEM images and EDS maps – to characterize vast sample areas.

MAPS also opens the door to correlative workflows across different microscopy platforms. The software is fully compatible with other ThermoFisher Scientific instruments, including SEM, FIB-SEM, and TEM systems. This means that you can integrate and align data from these various sources, enriching your analyses with multimodal insights. Whether you’re overlaying SEM images with optical navigation camera views or aligning EDS data over SEM images, MAPS provides a unified and consistent experience across all your imaging tools, enabling you to extract more meaningful conclusions from your research.

Large Area EDS Analysis

Comprehensive elemental maps over large sample areas

High Resolution SEM Mosaics

Automated SEM image stitching over entire samples

Multimodal Data Integration

Correlate data from various imaging and analytical techniques

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Software Features

Revolutionizing Large Area Imaging

In traditional SEM imaging, capturing high-resolution details over large areas can be a slow and cumbersome process, often requiring multiple manual adjustments and significant time investment. MAPS changes the game by automating this process. The software seamlessly stitches together numerous smaller images, known as tiles, into a single, cohesive mosaic. This process not only saves time but also ensures that no critical data is missed. Whether you’re examining synthetic fibers, semiconductor wafers, or geological samples, MAPS delivers detailed overviews that reveal the full story of your sample.

The flexibility of MAPS is a standout feature. Users can define the shape and size of the area to be imaged, whether it’s a rectangular grid, a circular region, or a freehand shape tailored to specific sample geometries. The software then handles the rest, acquiring images with consistent focus, brightness, and contrast across the entire area. The result is a high resolution mosaic that provides a comprehensive view, ideal for detailed analysis and reporting.

Expanding the Scope with Large Area EDS Mapping

Elemental analysis is a cornerstone of material characterization, and MAPS takes this to the next level with its large area EDS mapping capabilities. Traditional EDS analysis on SEMs is often limited to smaller regions, leaving significant portions of the sample unanalyzed. MAPS overcomes this limitation by enabling EDS mapping over extensive sample areas, producing detailed elemental distributions that are crucial for understanding complex materials.

The software efficiently stitches together EDS data from multiple tiles, creating a continuous elemental map that covers the entire sample area. This process is particularly beneficial for applications like semiconductor analysis, where understanding the distribution of elements such as silicon, hafnium, and titanium across large areas is essential. By automating this process, MAPS ensures that you obtain comprehensive compositional data without the usual challenges of manual data acquisition and stitching.

Correlating Data for Comprehensive Analysis

Beyond large area imaging and EDS mapping, MAPS opens the door to powerful correlative workflows. One of the key features is the ability to align SEM images or EDS maps with optical navigation camera images directly within the Phenom Desktop SEM. This allows for precise correlation between the macro-scale navigation view and the detailed SEM images, or elemental compositions from EDS, making it easier to locate and analyze regions of interest with accuracy.

Additionally, MAPS enables the alignment of EDS data over SEM images, integrating compositional information directly with morphological data. This capability provides a richer, more complete understanding of the sample, facilitating in-depth analyses that combine both structural and elemental insights. The ability to overlay these different data sets opens up possibilities for advanced material characterization, from identifying trace elements in complex matrices to understanding the spatial distribution of key materials in your sample.

MAPS software empowers microscopists and material scientists by automating complex imaging tasks, expanding the scope of elemental analysis, and enabling seamless data correlation. Whether you’re conducting routine imaging or tackling intricate research challenges, MAPS enhances the capabilities of Phenom Desktop SEMs, making them a powerful tool in your analytical arsenal.

Phenom XL Desktop SEM

Product Knowledgebase

Enhancing Elemental Analysis with Real-Time Mapping: Phase Identification Using ChemiSEM & Phase Mapping

Elemental analysis is a crucial aspect of material characterization, but traditional metho…

From Surface to Depth: How Accelerating Voltage Affects SEM Imaging 

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is a powerful imaging technique that allows for the obs…

Automated SEM/EDS Monitoring of Steel Inclusions for Compliance with ASTM Standards

In modern steel manufacturing, non-metallic inclusions represent a critical quality concer…

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