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Octostat Battery Cycler Product Flyer

The OctoStat is designed for applications where multiple cells are operated in parallel for extended periods of time, such as battery/fuel cell testing, electrode development, biotechnology, and corrosion. The OctoStat has an integrated μDataSecure module that stores all data for each channel completely independent from the computer.

Characterization of Polymer Layer Swelling and Collapse by the QCM-D Technology

Surface coatings can be applied to a bulk material to add desirable properties such as biocompatibility, responsiveness to various stimuli, drug delivery capabilities and antibacterial qualities. Polymer brushes, which respond to changes in temperature, pH and ionic strength have been of great interest as surface coatings for biomedical and biological applications. In this study, the […]

Analyzing Vapor Uptake & Release with QCM-D

This application note illustrates how Q-Sense Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D) can be used to characterize changes in film properties exposed to moist air. Measurements are easily conducted in the Q-Sense Humidity Module – the relative humidity can rapidly be changed and controlled without using other equipment. Humidity measurements are of importance in a […]

Combined QCM-D/ellipsometry setup for real-time characterization of thin molecular films

Several surface sensitive techniques are able to monitor the formation and properties of thin molecular films on a sensor surface. As the complexity of the studied systems increases, one technique alone can often not provide all desired insight. Multitechnique approaches provide complementary information, and thus allow for improved interpretation and/or the identification of artifacts. Comparing […]

Analyzing Fuel Cell Electrode Corrosion by Electrochemical QCM-D

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) are promising for use in applications such as cars, laptops and stationary applications. However, corrosion of the electrodes shortens their lifetime, and better understanding of these processes is necessary to improve PEMFCs and make them a realistic alternative as a source of electricity. Here, QCM-D combined with electrochemistry was […]

VSP Price List

Price list for all VSParticle products sold by Nanoscience Instruments

Electrospinners & Electrosprayers Product Brochure

Perfect Nanofibers and Nanoparticles Every Time The Spinbox® and Fluidnatek® family of electrospinning and electrospraying instruments by Bioinicia are designed to reproducibly fabricate perfect nanofibers and nanoparticles. The Fluidnatek equipment line fabricates fibers and particles through needle-based and needle-less technology. Capabilities of systems range from basic, single needle to hundreds of needles to fabricate complex […]

TEM Product Brochure

Nanoscience Instruments offers a variety of transmission electron microscopy products for advanced research applications. This brochure contains the VitroJet, which automates cryo-EM grid preparation, and the Naiad-1, an automated tool for assembling graphene liquid cells.

Phenom Desktop SEMs Brochure

Desktop SEMs are an effective blend of compact design and advanced technology. The Phenom desktop SEM was designed to be the easiest and most intuitive SEM. Advanced electron sources in the form of cerium hexaboride crystals or field emission guns, along with multiple detectors, facilitate the acquisition of high-quality data. The innovative column design of the Phenom SEMs makes them the fastest SEM and can produce electron micrographs faster than a coffee maker can brew a cup of coffee.

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