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2023 NanoNews: SEM Edition Q4

Welcome to the latest newsletter update of 2023, dedicated to scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Here we provide a comprehensive overview of activity in the realm of Phenom Desktop SEM and invite you to explore fresh resources and materials.

Be sure to stay tuned for all of our upcoming SEM activities in 2024! Workshops, webinars, tradeshows, YouTube videos, application notes, blogs, and customer stories await.

New Upcoming SEM Masterclass Series

Sign up to be notified of additional details about our Masterclasses starting in February.

Empowering Nanoscale Discovery: Introducing Phenom Desktop STEM

The STEM holder for the Phenom Pharos Desktop SEM unlocks advanced transmission imaging capabilities. With its dedicated detector, the holder offers bright field, dark field, and high-angle annular dark field …

Fueling Progress: SEM Techniques for Fuel Cell Applications

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is an indispensable tool in the realm of fuel cell technology, offering a window into the intricate micro- and nanoscale structures that dictate performance and efficiency. …

Sample Preparation for SEM by Ion Milling

Sample preparation usually begins with mechanical grinding and polishing. During this process, the grinding and polishing creates a deformed or amorphous layer on the surface called the Beilby layer. This …

What is the membrane electrode assembly (MEA)? How is SEM used to characterize it? Fuel cells are key to realizing a clean energy future free from fossil fuels. Learn how SEM has been used for compositional and microstructural analysis of their most vital PEMFC components.

Discover the cutting-edge battle against microscopic contaminants in manufacturing through this technical note, where we explore the transformative power of automated SEM and EDS technologies for technical cleanliness applications. 

Powders are a ubiquitous type of sample prevalent in both industrial and research applications. This tech note will help point you towards the best method to choose when preparing your powders for morphological and chemical analysis.

Desktop STEM as a Sample Screening Tool for Cryo-EM

Sample preparation for cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) can be a demanding and expensive process, requiring several rounds of purification and screening to isolate the macromolecules of interest. Negative stain electron …

The Role of SEM in the Medical Device Industry

Implantable medical devices are continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible when modern medicine and engineering join forces. An implantable medical device is an instrument that is surgically inserted …

Particle Analysis in Additive Manufacturing 

From supersonic jets to prosthetic knees, 3D-printed parts are revolutionizing design and production across industries. Printed components are no longer just prototypes, but now perform critical functions in the realms …

The Role of Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Automotive Industry

From zippy city scooters to heavy duty haulers, modern automobiles are assemblies of thousands of precisely manufactured components working in harmony to ensure smooth and safe rides. Beneath the sleek …

Applications of SEM in Semiconductor Device Failure Analysis

Failure analysis (FA) is an essential methodology that engineers use in the development process of semiconductor devices, like the CPU found in your smartphone or laptop. It involves the application …

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