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2024 NanoNews: Ivium Edition Q2

Welcome back to the Electrochemistry edition of the Nanoscience Instruments newsletter, nanoNews. We are excited to share the latest updates from around the community with you! 

In this Summer 2024 newsletter you will find new product updates, technique resources, blogs, and publications that demonstrate the power of our wide range of Electrochemical workstations and battery testing solutions.

We invite you to explore these resources and reach out to our Electrochemistry Experts to discuss your application, or start a conversation about finding new innovative tools to enhance your R&D efforts!

Flexible Hardware and Software for Streamlining Battery Testing

Accurate and reliable testing is crucial for the advancement of battery technologies in various industries, ranging from energy storage to electric vehicles. Flexible and intuitive test equipment, including hardware and …

Why is Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) important in Battery Testing?

Impedance is the frequency-dependent resistance of a circuit or electrochemical system to current flow. Applying a small AC sine wave perturbation to the electrochemical system and measuring the resulting response …

How Much Does a Potentiostat Cost and What Factors Affect the Price?

Potentiostats are all-important tools in electrochemistry that offer precise control of the electrode’s potential and measurement of the current. These instruments play a critical part in electrochemical applications like corrosion …

How Does Resolution Affect the Performance of a Potentiostat?

A potentiostat is an electrochemical instrument used to control the potential difference between a working electrode and a reference electrode while measuring the resulting current. Potentiostats play a pivotal role …

Characterizing Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Bioelectronics using EQCM-D 

One of the most prevalent tools in the field of bioelectronics is the organic electrochemical transistor (OECT). Due to its mixed (ionic and electronic) conduction properties and the flexibility of …

Importance of Integrated EIS on Every Channel

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful, non-destructive electrochemical technique used to probe electrochemical reactions by applying a small, alternating sinusoidal voltage to the device under test and measuring the …

Battery Testing 101

Battery testing is an important part of research and development for new battery materials and battery engineering as well as battery selection for battery module and pack development.  In this …

Get acquainted with battery cycler technology, learn how to build standard or complex battery testing protocols, and discover the best battery testing solution for your needs.

Visit us in Booth #4033 at The Battery Show to learn about our portfolio of solutions for battery research and development! From high-resolution battery cyclers with integrated EIS to material characterization equipment of different varieties, discover our wide range of innovative tools that will enhance your R&D efforts.

If you have questions about setting up your equipment for complex measurements, Design of Experiments, software troubleshooting, or any other experimental challenges, we encourage you to reach out to our team of Electrochemistry experts today!

If you are an Ivium Potentiostat or Battery Cycler user and would like your paper to be featured in a future newsletter, please send us a link to the publication via email:

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