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Attension® Theta Flex

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– Webinar –

Tensiometry Masterclass Series | Session #6 | Dilatational Interfacial Rheology with the Pulsating Drop Module

Interfacial dilatational rheology is a useful tool to investigate…

– Tech Note –

Optical vs. Force Tensiometry

Surface and interfacial tensions of liquids significantly affect their…

– Tech Note –

Accounting for Surface Roughness in Contact Angle Measurements: A Practical Approach

Contact angle measurements are a fundamental tool to understand…

Product Brochure
Attension® Theta Optical Tensiometers

Attension® Theta Flex Tensiometer

Product Overview

Attension Theta Flex is an advanced and versatile contact angle meter for highly accurate measurements of static and dynamic contact angle, roughness-corrected contact angle, surface free energy, surface and interfacial tension, and interfacial rheology.

Flexible and Modular

Plug-and-play modules for complex analysis techniques enable you to tailor your system to your needs

Fast and Repeatable

Automate your workflow from measurement to analysis, maintaining reproducibility across experiments

Supported/Possible Measurements
  • Static contact angle
  • Dynamic contact angles
  • Surface free energy
  • Surface tension
  • Interfacial tension
  • Batch contact angle
  • Roughness corrected contact angle
  • Interfacial rheology (viscoelasticity)
  • High pressure and high temperature measurements

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Theta Flex

Product Features

The Attension Theta Flex is packed with smart features including real-time image acquisition of droplet volume is calculated from the real-time image with advanced machine vision to ensure repeatability. Theta can be combined easily with a number of modules that bring power and additional capabilities to the system. Theta’s camera offers the best imaging features in the market to enable capturing the fastest wetting phenomena up to 3009 frames per second and experiencing the most precise drop shape analyses with 1984 x 1264 pixel resolution.

  • Easy to use
  • Modular & upgradeable
  • Automatic disposable tip dispenser
  • Predict emulsion and foam stability using the pulsating drop module
  • Measure environmental control with electrically headed temperature and environmental chambers
Videos & Demos

Theta Flex demos

See Available Modules

Product Accessories

The Theta Flow supports several plug-and-play modules for highly specialized applications, including:

The unique 3D Topography module takes wettability and adhesion analysis to a completely new level by measuring both contact angle and surface roughness of the sample in a single measurement.

The High Pressure Chamber is designed for wettability research within enhanced oil recovery and enables measurements at pressures up to 400 bars and temperatures up to 200°C.

A software controlled tilting cradle. Used for studying dynamic contact angles. Tilting range from 0 to 90° and tilting resolution 0.1°.

Software controlled drop size pulsing for interfacial rheology measurement of viscoelastic properties of interfacial layers at liquid-air or liquid-liquid interfaces.

Utilize automated picoliter-scale drop formation. Especially useful for inkjet applications and for measuring contact angle on very small sample areas.

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