Product Brochure

Product Overview
SEMPrep SMART is a state-of-the-art multifunctional ion milling system for slope cutting and damage-free surface polishing that is vital for SEM and EBSD sample preparation.
Widest Energy Range
Up to 16 keV
AI Assisted Milling
Real-time optimization
Highest Precision
± 1 micron
Product Features
Easy-to-use operation
Beginners to advanced users can optimally use SEMPrep SMART thanks to its intuitive graphical user interface. The SEMPrep SMART can be fully automated for an intervention-free operation to obtain reproducible results. The users can create, edit, and save protocols based on their application needs.
AI Assisted Milling:
AI assisted milling with real-time search for the best milling parameters, accessing a large database for the best results. Also includes offline recipe library.
Wide energy range
The SEMPrep SMART has two separate ion sources that offer the widest energy range on the market. The ultra-high-energy ion gun (2 keV to 16 keV) is used for milling extra hard materials and for high-speed milling; while a patented low-energy ion source (100 eV to 2 keV) is ideal for generating smooth and damage-free specimen surfaces. At energy ranges above 16 keV, milling rates of 530 µm/h can be reached.
Dual cooling options
SEMPrep SMART offers two different cooling options for different applications. The Peltier cooling option is an ideal solution for protecting samples from overheating. However, if working with heat-sensitive or cryo samples, the liquid nitrogen option is recommended.
Fast and efficient sample exchange
The motorized sample holder enables fast and easy sample loading and unloading. The addition of the load lock maintains the vacuum levels in the chamber during sample exchange to save time and energy.
Sample holders
SEMPrep SMART has a wide range of sample holders for slope cutting. Pre-tilted holders with 30° and 90° slopes are available. In the case of specialized applications, motorized sample holders with 2 µm accuracy are also available. Large sample holders for polishing applications can accommodate samples that are pertinent to industrial applications.