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Phenom SEM Automation

ParticleX Gunshot Residue

Perception GSR for the Phenom XL Desktop SEM is the first dedicated solution for fully automated SEM-EDS gunshot residue analysis, delivering fast, reliable results even from minuscule pieces of evidence. With an included calibration sample and an intuitive user interface, it’s the ideal tool for forensic labs and trace analysis applications.

High Sensitivity & Throughput

Analyze up to 10,000 particles per hour without the need for a skilled operator; >98% particles found on Plano GSR Sample

Standardized Reporting

Reporting that is compliant to ASTM E1588​ and all particle positions are saved allowing for easy confirmatory analysis


Supports customizable rules for Pb-free ammunition and recipes can be tailored for other types of forensic analysis.

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Dedicated Gunshot Residue Analysis on a Desktop SEM

Identifying gunshot residue (GSR) is critical in forensic investigations to determine firearm use in a crime. Automated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) is the gold-standard technique for detecting and analyzing these microscopic particles. ParticleX GSR provides a powerful, ready-to-use solution for conducting standardized, reliable GSR testing in any forensic lab.

Designed for efficiency and accuracy, ParticleX GSR eliminates human error with automated detection and reporting, ensuring consistent results. As a non-destructive technique, it preserves samples for future testing, maintaining the integrity of forensic evidence. Additionally, every detected particle is precisely mapped and stored, allowing seamless confirmatory analysis in full compliance with ASTM E1588 standards. With ParticleX GSR, forensic professionals can streamline their workflow while ensuring the highest level of confidence in their findings.

ParticleX Gunshot Residue

Product Features

Automated, ASTM-Compliant Reporting

Generate standardized reports with a single click, ensuring ASTM E1588 compliance while streamlining forensic documentation. A customizable rule editor allows users to define particle classes, accelerating analysis by focusing on expected materials. The system can also halt analysis once a set number of particles in a specific class are identified, further optimizing efficiency.

Revisit Particles for Confirmatory Analysis

ASTM guidelines require manual confirmation of GSR particles. The GSR Reporter displays detected particles by class and allows one-click revisits for verification. Once relocated, images can be refined, and EDS reanalyzed to ensure accurate classification, enhancing result confidence.

SEM image of an individual gunshot residue particle and its EDS spectrum along with quantification results. The particle here contains predominately barium (Ba), antimony (Sb), aluminum (Al), and lead (Pb), along with traces of sulfur (S), bismuth (Bi), silicon (Si), and zinc (Zn).
Great for Trace Evidence Analysis

ParticleX GSR extends beyond gunshot residue detection, making it a powerful tool for analyzing trace evidence such as paint, fibers, plant matter, and more.  Trace evidence analysis aims to link these materials to specific sources or individuals, providing valuable information in criminal investigations. Its automated workflow and advanced elemental analysis provide fast, reliable identification of microscopic particles, ensuring accurate forensic investigations.

SEM images of gunshot residue particles (a), nylon fibers (b), and lines on a dollar bill (c). All images were captured using a Phenom XL Desktop SEM. 

ParticleX Gunshot Residue

Product Knowledgebase

Better, Faster & Remotely Controllable – A Demo Showing the Power of Modern Desktop SEM

Remote Control of a Desktop SEM Join us for a webinar and demonstration showcasing the pow…

Four Benefits of SEM Automation for Handling Repetitive Tasks

SEM is a high-resolution imaging technique that uses a focused electron beam to generate h…

Large-scale SEM Imaging with Automated Image Mapping

Acquiring large-scale images using SEM can result in trade-offs between resolution and tim…

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