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Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024 | July 29 – August 1, 2024 | Cleveland, Ohio

Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024

Expo Hours

July 29 – Aug. 1, 2024:
: 12pm – 5:30pm
Tuesday: 10am – 5:30pm 
Wednesday: 10am – 5:30pm
Thursday: 10am – 2pm


Booth #527
Huntington Convention Center
300 Lakeside Ave E
Cleveland, OH 44113

Join us in Cleveland, Ohio for the highlight of the microscopy calendar – M&M 2024! Nanoscience Instruments is back for this annual summertime conference, and this time we’re showcasing in Booth #527.

Vendor Tutorials:

Nanoscience Instruments will be presenting two vendor tutorials over the course of the week – be sure to visit us for more information!

Phenom Desktop SEM: a Workhorse SEM for Your Analytical Needs | July 30 | 5:45-6:45 PM

Speaker:  Vince Pastore, SEM Product Manager

The Phenom Desktop SEM is a powerful, user-friendly tool designed to meet a wide range of applications. Exciting new tools like ChemiSEM, which provides live elemental maps, instantly provides reliable elemental data in a single click.  With ChemiSEM integrated into the Phenom User Interface, saving elemental analysis images and reports is seamless.  ChemiPhase or phase mapping, takes elemental mapping to the next level by pinpointing unique material phases even in the most chemically complex samples.  ChemiPhase highlights the number of phases and their location on a given elemental map, making it easier to interpret the data and access meaningful data even quicker.

Emphasizing its speed, performance, versatility, and ease of use, this talk will highlight the Phenom’s capabilities in delivering high-quality imaging and EDS results.  We will also discuss the various automation workflows that are available, as well as several exciting new software tools that can increase your analytical potential.

Phenom Pharos & Vitrojet: Tools to Facilitate Cryo-EM Sample Prep | July 31 | 5:45-6:45 PM

Speaker:  Bob Ashley, Application Scientist

Cryo Electron Microcopy (Cryo-EM) is an advanced imaging technique used to determine the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules at near atomic resolution. Quality of samples and the sample vitrification process are two factors that can significantly influence the results obtained by cryo-EM.

Negative stain imaging is an invaluable part of the workflow, allowing researchers to easily triage samples at room temperature before going into cryo-EM. The Phenom desktop STEM offers a simple plug-and-play solution for screening negative stain samples in preparation for cryo-EM work. Part of this presentation will focus on how Phenom desktop STEM could replace the traditional TEM infrastructure and speed up negative stain screening workflow while simultaneously lowering cost.

VitroJet has evolved into a powerful efficiency tool for cryo-EM scientists to vitrify their samples. With real-time feedback and visualization of the grid and sample deposition process, users can analyze and tune their ice thickness on the fly. The second half of the presentation will focus on how VitroJet can transform the sample vitrification process, getting better Cryo-EM data in a faster more controllable way.

Demo Products:

We will have a team of knowledgeable microscopy experts at your service, prepared to connect you to the right solutions for your research problems. We will have several of our technologies up and running for you to experience firsthand! Click the drop-downs to learn more.

Phenom XL Desktop SEM

High-resolution imaging, live quantitative elemental mapping, phase mapping, automated particle analysis, Python scripting, and more — the Phenom XL has it all. With a large sample stage for diverse sample types, the Phenom XL will be ready for your demo!

Phenom Pharos Desktop SEM with STEM

Tabletop Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) offers a unique advantage in life sciences and cryo-EM applications: fast, efficient sample screening. The Phenom Pharos FEG SEM is capable of bridging high resolution SEM, elemental analysis with EDS, and bright field, dark field, and HAADF transmission mode imaging together. See it live in action in our booth.


The latest and greatest ion milling technology debuts at M&M 2024: the SEMPREP SMART. Engineered by the original innovators of the broad ion beam milling technique, the new SEMPREP SMART joins our instrumentation suite to deliver pristine cross-sections, smooth surfaces, and precise polishing control for SEM/EDS characterization, EBSD, and more.

M&M 2024 Demo Registration

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